Suzanne Sanchez, Licensed Professional Counselor

Suzanne Sanchez, Licensed Professional Counselor

Biographical Info Suzanne specializes in problems of eating disorders and negative body image in addition to working with adolescents (age 14+), parents, substance use disorders, anxiety, and racial identity. Her therapeutic style focuses on helping clients use self-compassion, aligning with their values, and utilizing their superpowers to live their greatest life. Suzanne has lived in Portland for 20 years, but she is a Minnesotan. She is a mom of two elementary-aged kids and has a boxer-lab mix named Oscar DoggyHoya. In her free time, Suzanne enjoys watching her children play sports, Zumba classes, and watching anything Marvel.

Email Address [email protected]

Address 9725 Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy. Suite 210A
Beaverton, OR 97005

Phone Number (971) 227-4266

Provider Specialization Therapist/Mental Health

Accepting New Patients? No



Pronouns she/her

Credentials LPC

Gender Cisgender Woman

Provider identifies as BIPOC? Yes

Offering Supervision Yes

Type of Service Individual, Outpatient

Ages Served Adolescent, Adult

Communities BIPOC, Queer

Supported Communities BIPOC, Queer

Accepted Insurance Kaiser, MODA, Out of network, PacificSource, Private Pay, Providence (PHP)

Modalities Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfullness-based Cognitive Therapy, Gestalt, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

Location Accessibility ADA Accessible

Service Accessibility Telehealth, In Person

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