
The Columbia River Eating Disorder Network’s (“CREDN’s”) Member  Directory is provided as a public service for people who wish to locate/ contact CREDN members. The members on this list have expressed an interest in promoting community awareness of, preventing, and/or treating individuals with eating disorders and body image concerns.  CREDN has not investigated these individuals nor does it have the facilities to evaluate their competence in treating eating disorders and body image concerns. This list is a compilation of members who have requested their names appear in the Member Directory. Information contained in this database is self-reported by members and is not intended for use by organizations requiring credentialing verification.

CREDN undertakes reasonable efforts to keep the membership information contained in the Member Directory profiles accurate;  however, CREDN does not warrant the timeliness, completeness,  accuracy, or fitness for a particular purpose of the information contained in our members' profiles. CREDN does not endorse in any way the individuals, views expressed, or products or services offered by the members described in these profiles, nor does CREDN verify professional qualifications, licenses, practice areas, or suitability of the listed members. Inclusion of a member in the Member Directory is not and does not imply CREDN referral, endorsement or recommendation,  nor does the omission of any individual indicate CREDN disapproval.  Potential clients are encouraged to talk directly with each professional to determine the fit between your needs and the services, fees, and expertise of each individual.

In no event shall CREDN be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken by you in reliance on the information obtained from this site. The material in this website is for informational purposes only.

Commercial use of this database (i.e., selling or marketing to CREDN  members), for any purpose, is not allowed. You are prohibited from downloading, republishing, reselling, or duplicating — in whole or in part  — for commercial or any other purposes, or for purposes of compiling mailing lists or any other lists, Member Directory or any of its data listings or other constituent elements. You may not use the Member  Directory to establish independent data files or compendiums.

The only permitted uses of the Member Directory are for (i) the personal convenience of individual members of the general public to facilitate quick access to information about members with whom they may be consulting regarding members’ services and (ii) individual members or their staff to view their personal listings or those of colleagues for professional purposes such as client referrals.