Katherine Elder, PhD
Biographical Info If binge eating or worrying about food, eating, weight and shape feel like they have taken over your life, I can help you regain a sense of balance, control and peace around these issues. My approach is to help guide you back to your own body's inner wisdom. I am a clinical psychologist and have over 25 years of experience in the treatment of binge eating and related problems. I use weight neutral, evidence-based treatments that have been shown to help clients obtain lasting change. Ultimately, my goal is to help you become free from the rules, stress, anxiety and negativity that limit life when someone is suffering from an eating disorder. And with that new freedom, you’ll be able to turn more of your time and attention to the things that truly bring you joy and matter most to you.
Email Address [email protected]
3407 S. Corbett Ave. #6
Portland, OR 97239
Phone Number (971) 213-2022
Provider Specialization Therapist/Mental Health
Accepting New Patients? Yes
Website https://www.katherineelderphd.com
Pronouns she/her
Credentials PhD
Gender Cisgender Woman
Provider identifies as BIPOC? Yes
Second Language Spanish
Offering Supervision No
Type of Service Individual, Outpatient
Ages Served Adult
Accepted Insurance Out of network, Private Pay
Modalities Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
Service Accessibility Telehealth